Crooked Teeth Can Be
A Hazard To Your Health

crowding before and after

While the number of people with crooked teeth is not necessarily increasing, awareness of teeth and their role in your health and in your life certainly is. There are many reasons why some peoples' teeth come in deformed or crooked.

Why are my teeth crooked?

Some people just have small jawbones, which causes their teeth to crowd and overlap. Others have jaws that do not align correctly, causing protruding upper or lower teeth.

Much of our jaw structure is hereditary, but misalignment can also be caused by injury, prolonged thumb sucking or prolonged use of pacifiers or feeding bottles. Since crooked teeth affect the way we chew our food as well as how we look, orthodontia or the treatment of irregularities in teeth and jaws, has become a major specialty.

Gum disease, bad breath, and poor oral health are major consequences of poorly aligned teeth and deformed jaw structure.

Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontists take detailed measurements of the jaw, as well as a number of X-rays and photographs to determine the exact amount of misalignment, and the treatment that is necessary. X-rays are also used to show the roots of the teeth and to discover if any teeth still need to be erupted through the gums.

Panoramic X-rays may also be taken which will indicate the relationship of individual teeth to the jaw and the jaw to the skull.

In case the problem is due to crowding of teeth or a small jaw, the orthodontist may recommend removal of extra teeth. For many people, braces will be required to correct the abnormality.


Whatever may be the root cause of the abnormality, modern orthodontia has made it possible to correct most problems with a minimum of invasive surgery. In a few extreme cases, surgery may be required. In almost all cases, the surgery is minimal and the patient resumes normal eating in a day or two.

On the whole, our patients now have a lot to smile about!

Contact Us

For a complimentary examination appointment to see if you have a dental alignment problem and what treatment would be right for you, please contact us online or call 650-961-5047.

We'll answer any questions you may have, and give you a free written estimate regarding costs and insurance benefits before you leave.

Dr. Ashouri


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